But that’s not moving backwards through the list. It only moves in one direction and that direct is a combination of sheet order and earliest swipe date. Swiping left or right only moves in one direction…forward. You can’t move backward to the cards you had just swiped. You have to make a complete rotation through all of them to get back to the one card you wanted to swipe back to. That’s why I went with the single row method. A single row will only swipe to itself, but additional actions on that left or right swipe (such as increment or decrement) can allow you to control which data is pulled into that single row.
Two things that would make this process easier:
- A Rank column that would allow for sequentially numbering rows.
- Some sort of native functionality or action to allow us to navigate from row to row. You can jump from a list to the details, back to the list, and back to the details… But we really need a way to just have previous and next actions that allow us to move linearly from each detail to the next, through each row in that list.
This one seems appropriate to share.