Strange button behaviour

Is there an issue with Glide today? When I add a button component then change select an action the button disappears as if a visibility condition has been set. Doesn’t matter what action I select or de-select, the visibility does not return…

I thought I found a workaround by adding a button block with 2 buttons then deleting the 2nd. However, this soon disappeared too this time triggered by me changing to view the App as another signed-in user. Very strange.

Is your screen connected to a row?

Not really. I have it connected to a table with row owners. However, I realize now that with a new owner, the table not have any rows that are visible to a new user. Hence, any button actions that use a row from the current table will not be valid. I wanted to just open a new screen that would manipulate data in the users table. But it seem this is problematic for Glide when the screen’s table is blank.


It is solved by specifying the Data for the action comes from a different table. Not sure if this is a new feature in the last few months. I never realized you could do this and always left that as default.

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No, that’s not new. It’s been an option for as long as I can remember.
It’s commonly used with custom forms - open a new or details screen via a Single Value column in the User Profile row that targets a single row helper table.


Ok my Alzheimer’s must be new! :slight_smile:

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