Hi all,
I wanted to cast people’s opinions on what’s the best method to send users SMS push notifications as I am seeing this as the best notification method ahead of having real in-app push notifications (come on Apple!).
I think I’m limiting this to SMS and excluding Whatsapp as although the majority of users will have Whatsapp it wont be 100%.
I’ve seen a few different potentials within the forum but nothing that lists them all out and compares.
I am currently using the method where if an action is triggered (E.g. a user fills in a certain field or a boolean field is made true or if a time limit is reached) then I have a separate Google Sheets tab that uses the QUERY function to add a row to this Google Sheets tab. I then have a Zapier Zap that is triggered by a new row being added and sends a SMS to the user.
This method works but isn’t 100% reliable.
One of the methods I have seen is where someone created a list of all of the email addresses for (mainly US) mobile providers. I’m in the UK so I’m not sure this is an option.