I had this working (eg…flipping between tabs in a Chrome browser to show the app with different users).
Now I can only get one user (not the one I want to show) and can not switch from that user to a different user (If I only have one I can display - it shouldn’t be the one I just logged in as)
The same in Safari - I can have one user open.
Is their a way to have 2 or more tabs displaying different users?
You could use Private nav mode, use different browsers at the same time, or you can create Chrome profiles to create multiple instances of local storages and cookie storages!
BTW…I changed the logged in user in a tab by logging out and logging in as a different user (duh!).
Weird but I was able to log in as multiple different users in the the same window in different tabs BUT the apps were not updating as I made changes within Glide. So I closed out the Glide windows and rebooted the whole thing and I no longer could see multiple users BUT I did see the updates.
I believe the success in seeing mutliple users simultaneously was a Chrome caching issue which I can not replicate.
Yea but never really liked this…now if Glide could hide/slim down the top bar that would work.
In the meantime - you are a genius. So I guess I had been testing in an Incognito window unknowingly cause I now have two accounts up in two tabs under one window. And can switch in-between the two and show the different views.