"Sent" confirmation is confusing users

My app’s URL: touchpoint.glideapp.io

When users add a note within the app they get a short pop-up that says “Sent” after they hit Submit to add a new note to the list. This is confusing and alarming users because in my app, notes are not sent to anyone. Can you change the pop-up to say “Submitted” instead?


you can configure this



I have a similar issue with this message- and to be as agnostic as possible across many use cases, I suggest that the confirmation word be “success”. :blush:

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ha! where is this? I would need to access at the form level…

I found this option under zapier action for example - but I don’t see it everywhere !!


I don’t use Zapier…yes, I was surprised when you sent that because I looked for a field to change the message in the form features but no luck!