๐Ÿ“จ SendTh.at: Darren's iOS, Android, & Web Photo and Text Transfer App


How do you transfer a photo from an iPhone to a PC without email?

This was the frustration I had over a year ago that led me to build SendTh.at.

The original version was built on Thunkable which still supports the iOS and Android side of the app today. However, I recently rebuilt the web app in Glide for a few desired features:

  • Photo Uploads from the Web
  • Custom Domain
  • Overall Better Desktop Layout and Web Experience

The App

You can checkout the app here:

And how it works here:

The Stack

The entire solution uses a decently complex stack of:

  • Glide (Web)
  • Thunkable (iOS & Android)
  • Carrd (URL Retrieval & Landing Page)
  • NoCodeAPI
  • Google App Script / Custom JS

I created a video today explaining some of the new features and how everything ties together:


Thats really nice and I love the clean design! How secure is the code? Could I just guess a 4 letter combo and get someone elses image? Can you make the code more unique (more characters and include special characters?)

Thanks @Joe_Gabriele!

Not secure, but this is somewhat intentional.

You have roughly a 1 in 456,976 (26^4) ( chance of getting someone elseโ€™s code. Keep in mind codes only last for 10 minutes.

Sure, but that is not necessary at this point. Letters provide enough uniqueness at this stage.

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