Hi, I shared my glide app on AppStore.
I just wrote 5-6 rows code in swift and shared.
It works very well. Swift Webkit is good for glideapps to share on App Store.
I wanted to share my experiences about publishing.
Appstore doesn’t accept app first because they said we need a user name and password.
I tried to explain pin system but they wanted a video and I could share
You can try the app and give 5 stars please. Because I need a marketing:)
If anyone wants to swift code I will share it here.
Hi everyone,
I am happy to announce my app.
Goal: Podcasters, Clubhouse speakers talks but they can not redirect people to links because there is no text place.
Hupu app creates numbers for links. And people only share numbers when they talk for send people to links.
You can limit clickers
You can put password for your hupu number
You can limit for time.
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.glideapp.hupulink
You can check on this link my application.
February 21, 2021, 5:31pm
Hi @Bahadir_Kaya would you be so kind to show us the process you used to accomplish this. I am interested in learning more. Thank you.
1 Like
February 21, 2021, 8:39pm
Dear @Bahadir_Kaya ,
Thanks for sharing this with us. I’m highly interested by the swift WebKit !
Would you mind sharing with us a detailed tutorial ! You may help a lot of people.
Friendly reminder :
As Glide has said many times. This is 100% UNSUPPORTED.
April 28, 2021, 7:50pm
Thanks Bahadir. Could you send me the swift code that you used? Thanks!
1 Like
Do you know how would the process be for Google Play Store? Thanks
This app did very well on Appstore/Play/Producthunt and is still live and functioning etc but i never saw any responses to anyone from OP regarding how he accomplished. Does anyone have any update on how to do it?
Any update on the process for this one?