Resize remote images

Hello everyone,

when I add images from a remote source it doesn’t fit really well. The images are too big.
Is there any option to resize the images or select a zoom level?
Or do you know any CSS hack I can use as a workaround?

2 Examples


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I think you have to increase the canvas size in Photoshop or similar tool. Here is another similar thread that might help: Resizing images in tiles?

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Hi Deena,

thanks for your idea, but I can’t edit the image locally.
I create a dynamic image list which is updated regularly. The images are a column inside the google sheet which includes the URL. So I load the images directly from another webserver to the website.

In HTML it would be something like:
<img src=“ height=80%<

Such option in the glide panel would be awesome.


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Feature Request! :heart_eyes:

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Use Cloudinary.
Cloudinary: Image Filters and Overlays in Glide!


It is planned to build a daily updated google sheet with about 300 entries and images.
The images are stored in a column as URL reference to another website.

I can’t download all images from this website and reupload them to Cloudinary or edit them locally.

I need a resize/zoom option or a better crop utility in Glide.

By the way: Happy birthday, Robert! :partying_face:

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You don’t need to download/reupload them! That’s the beauty of Cloudinary! Use the fetch parameter to use the existing URL.


I think you are refering to this:

I will look into it, thanks!