Replace video upload destination with custom storage

The 10 MB limit on uploaded video content is becoming a big inhibitor to my app’s growth. Storage is cheap and I’m willing to pay for it.

Glide should either
a) add a paid option that would allow apps to increase upload file size (ideally configured in app settings)
b) allow apps to configure their own storage location to which Glide sends the content, e.g. S3 buckets or similar

Option b) gives more flexibility.

And, by the way, could you please fix the fact that there is NO ERROR MESSAGE when uploading a video that is over the limit?



Seconded. This would be huge :+1:


Yes, It will be a great feature. Right now I’m tryng something really confusing for the user, taking them to another place to upload a file…

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omg, this is such a headache. Does 10MB limit hold for apps on PRO plan as well, do you know?

Hey Antonio, what service are you using for video uploads? Gotta make this workaround as well I guess. Thanks!

Right now I’m using an external WordPress Site with a form and a Ziggeo connection. Form Ziggeo I push the video to GDrive and using Integromat (Zapier cheaper alternative) I get the video ID and write the Google Sheet with the public URL.

With the “Open web view” you can go to an external site without closing the app.

I’ve tried the lower cost/budget solution I could think of.

Ziggeo is the cheap version of Pipe -


Oh that’s quite a work around, I like it, will check it out - thanks for sharing Antonio!

@AntonioSanchez i suppose you could also let cloudinary fetch the video and store it with a name that is the same as in Wordpress. Then you just need to tell google sheets about the fetched file url in cloudinary.

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Yep, that could also work, the thing is that I needed a service that works with Integromat for all the rest of the workflow, but cloudinary sound great!

You just need connect Wordpress and google sheets and deliver the url to Wordpress video

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This is really needed.
Ideally would like options to use upload to Vimeo or Cloudinary