There’s no way to change the color of the button when its clicked correct? You can’t really tell if you are currently set to yes or no as the button itself doesn’t change.
My approach is usually have two button bars and show them based on the current “value” of the destination column.
To do this, you must have a lookup to return the boolean value from the HideFromChat column.
If HideFromChat is True then show the button with the normal color on the “Show” button, and bordered color with no fill on the “Hide” button.
Vice versa for the case when HideFromChat is False.
Hi Thinh, so when I click on the YES button, nothing is happening. This is what I have set up:
User Profiles Sheet Hide Column:
Chat Sheet Hide Relation:
Chat Button Bar and Set Column Settings:
I am thinking the set column should be writing to the hide chat boolean column in the user profiel sheet, somehow?
It looks like the right setup, can you check if the relation is actually returning a row?
Sorry, not sure what do you mean?
The relation is showing this “-“. I’m not entirely sure if it’s returning an empty column from the destination (which means there is a row to look at) or not.
Probably there’s a set column bug going around so would have to wait and see.
Hmm, I’m never too sure what the ‘-’ symbols mean.
When you see a minus ‘-’ in a (single) relation column, it means the relation is broken (empty).
In a multi-relation, a broken relation will appear empty.
PS. The above just based on my own observation, I may not be 100% correct.
Hmm…thanks! I’ve also noticed it pulls the name of the app or some other random data.