Reference Glide Tables

As I am trying to reuse a glide table I noticed that the relationships from the initial app have disapeared and the Row ID of the table is not visible anymore. Is this normal or am I missing something?

Can you explain more, how you are trying reuse?
May be adding Row ID native column again is enough.

No it does not show the row id, just read the documentation it does carry over computed columns…did no realize that Row ID would be one of them…and I am using Linked G tables…


Do your apps belong to different teams? :thinking:

The native Row ID in linked tables are the same if you have used it.
There so many factor anf flows which can go wrong. If you don’t provide detailed information about how you have used relation before reusing, how you ipmlement reusing, winthout some screenshots of relation configuration in original table and in reused table all our deals is infinity speculations.

no same team…

If I understand correctly what you are doing, then all you need to do is add a RowID column to the duplicated table, and it will automatically fill with the same RowID values as the original table.

If that doesn’t answer your question, then you may need to clarify further.


Sure it does, did not realize that it would do this…many thanks

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