I have an app where users can choose from which postcodes they would like to receive notifications when new postings are made.
Where and how do I insert this action?
Do I put the action on the add page and where?
Which choices should I use in the action, so that only users who have chosen this particular postcode receive notification?
The workflow would include you adding a relation column in the destination table to relate the posting’s postcode, to the column where you store postcode preferences in the users table.
Depends on which type you want: SMS or email, you use a joined list column to get a comma-delimited list of phone numbers or emails back to use in the next step.
Where do I put the “joined list column”? In the users sheet or destination sheet?
What should I use to send notifications?
I can read that SMS cost money, right? And I don’t ask for users phonenumber, only their email.
So I think mail would be best.