Hi Darren,
Thanks alot, here is the show api copy of code:
import * as glide from "@glideapps/tables";
const enquiriesTable = glide.table({
token: "xx",
app: "xx",
table: "native-table-OMHAcghgN3aDTWlRdWYi",
columns: {
zapierCurrentUser: { type: "string", name: "Owner/CurrentUser" },
zapierStatus: { type: "string", name: "Lead Status/Status" },
zapierLinked2: { type: "string", name: "NjI5K" },
zapierLinked3: { type: "string", name: "O7mv1" },
zapierDateAdded: { type: "date-time", name: "Lead Status/Date Added" },
zapierContactPerson: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Contact Person" },
zapierMobile: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/1a_propctrl imported mobile" },
zapierResidentialListing: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Residential Listing" },
zapierCommentsEnc: { type: "string", name: "Comments" },
zapierEmailAddress: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Email Address" },
zapierProvince: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Province" },
zapierLeadSource: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Lead Source" },
zapierSourceDescription: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Source Description" },
zapierBranch: { type: "string", name: "Lead Details/Branch" },
zapierPageUrl: { type: "uri", name: "Lead Details/Page Url" },
zapierArea: { type: "string", name: "Area" },
zapierListingType: { type: "string", name: "Imported Listing Type" },
leadType: { type: "string", name: "837iN" }
const enquiriesID = await enquiriesTable.addRow({
// Add columns here
and here is the zapier code:
"appID": "CNO5GDvnlgXbh9aAf66p",
"mutations": [
"kind": "add-row-to-table",
"tableName": "native-table-OMHAcghgN3aDTWlRdWYi",
"columnValues": {
"Owner/CurrentUser": "{{_GEN_1681800266186__output__0}}",
"NjI5K": "None",
"O7mv1": "None",
"Lead Status/Date Added": "{{190231198__date}}",
"Lead Status/Status": "Not Verified",
"Lead Details/Contact Person": "{{_GEN_1681800266187__output__0}}",
"Lead Details/1a_propctrl imported mobile": "{{_GEN_1681800266188__output__0}}",
"Lead Details/Residential Listing": "{{_GEN_1681800266189__output__0}}",
"Lead Details/Email Address": "{{190231198__reply_to__email}}",
"Lead Details/Province": "See property url",
"Lead Details/Lead Source": "Private Property",
"Lead Details/Source Description": "Listing Enquiry",
"Lead Details/Branch": "Cornerstone Property Partners",
"Lead Details/Page Url": "{{190231202__output}}",
"Imported Listing Type": "See property url",
"Area": "{{_GEN_1681800266190__output__0}}",
"Comments": "{{190231207__output}}"
lastly i assume one can push data from multiple sources into the same glide table?