
Hi, I’ve set up my Airtable so that I have users and users work for organisations that sits in a linked table and each organisation has porjects which is also in a linked table.

I want to be able to filter the projects page based on the logged in users, organisation, projects… but I can’t seem to find a way to do this.

I would have assumed the filter would say, “Project Name” “is included in” “Organisaions - Projects”

But Organisaitons is not listed an option, nor is user organisations

Any help would be much appreciated.

I’ve also tried using the linked record “Organisation” but there is no usable data in there either


I was expecting it to say “Organisation” “is equal to” “Logged in users Organisations”

Disclaimer: I’m not an Airtable user, so the below is no more than a semi educated guess.

Can you show me what the “Organisations” column looks like in the Glide Data Editor?

My suspicion is that it probably appears as an array, in which case you might need to flip your filter around and use something like “Organisations includes Project Name”.

From the projects page

mmm, okay. That looks like a relation.
Again, I’m not an Airtable user so I’m just stabbing in the dark a bit here.

But… try adding a Lookup column that targets that Organisation column and returns the Organisation Name. And then see if you can use that in your filter.

It is a relation yes.

I’ve managed to do it this way


becasue I can access a users email.

But why can’t I see a users orgnaisation


In the database Organisation is a relationship


Yes, it’s because it’s a relation. In Glide a relation just establishes a link between one row and one or many other rows. If you need to use any values in the matching row/s, then you need to use either a Lookup or Single Value column to fetch them. Try adding that Lookup column that I suggested earlier.

Great it worked. Thank you

Another question if that is ok. Can prefill a form field with the oganisation name rather than just filter it so only my organisation is an avilible choice.

I am creating a new projects form and I want it to set my organisation automatically. Ideally the field would be prefilled and hidden

Yes, check out the below:

Thank you that make sense but Organisation is not showing as an option to place my colum value into

Again this is a linked field

Does your destination table contain a column for Organization? I take it you’re showing the list of columns possible for the Organization “column value” to be written to.

I think this is becasue I am using Airtable and linked tables seem to work differently.

Linked column of Airtable has a lot of restriction while using it in Glide. This restricts the possibilities of using Glide in various innovative ways.

I personally have stopped creating Glide app from Airtable unless its very simple app.

Yes i am very quickly coming to the same conculsion. Thanks

I’m sure Airtable is a great product, but I’ve seen enough here in the Glide Community to come to the conclusion that it doesn’t play well with Glide. So I’d back up what @Pratik_Shah said.


Sold haha. I’ve made the switch

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