Pro Plan Glideapp

Hi there, I have benefited from the pro plan for years, I only have one project currently in my file. Thinking that I could benefit from 3 projects, I tried to create a new one and it seems to me that it is not a pro version. I logged in with the same account that has the Pro subscription. Can any one help me? Sincerely.

Are both of your apps in the same team folder? Is your old app still in a legacy plan in the legacy My Apps folder?

The current Pro Team plan has not been available for years, so you likely have an app on an old Pro plan.

I suggest creating a new team, upgrading to the lates Pro, cancelling your old Pro app, and moving that app over to the Pro team. Then you will have unlimited Pro apps.

Hi David, I created a new team, upgrading to the lates pro but I don’t know how to cancel my old pro app without deleting the team in order to move my app over the pro team.

Open the old App in the builder, then go to Settings → Billing, and cancel the plan from there.

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Thank you :hugs:

Hi, Last question please, I can’t find the “inline list” component in the pro plan, is it replaced by something else?
inline list

Inline Lists have been replaced by Collections in the new Apps.

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