My Apps projects are no longer supported!

I have App in “My App”, and since few days i have “My Apps projects are no longer supported, . To create a project, upgrade a project, or receive customer support, you will need to transfer your project to a new team.”

And when i want to move Apps with Basic paid plan , i have the following message:
"This project cannot be transferred
Projects with a paid subscription cannot be transferred to a team. You must cancel your project’s subscription before transferring your project to a team.

And I’m Not Able to Cancel subscrition…

HOw move my app?

I have the same issue except that my apps are PRO and when I press “transfer” nothing appears.

What needs to be done?

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You need to create a new team folder and add a credit card to it before you can transfer apps. Once that is done move all of the projects you have in My Apps to this new team folder.

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Thanks for your response,
I already try transfert without card and error was « please add paiement information »

I add credit card and now is the message « remove you subscription before »

If I remove my « basic subscription » I will loose my yearly subscription and maybe data!

When you change to a new plan (in the new team folder) your billing for that new plan will start right away but you will be credited back any unused portion on your annual plan. You won’t lose data in your app but make sure to use a plan that covers your needs for number of rows and users.

Hi Darren

I move My app, But now, 100$ credit is in “My Apps” and not applied to my new subscription Project.

How transfer Credit?


eso quiere decir que si uno tiene apps en donde tiene pruebas y/o ensayos nos va tocar ahora pagar??.
yo tengo un grupo en donde subo las apps que ya quiero poner a funcionar y en el cual pago un plan PRO. en el subo ya las apps que considero deben estar en un plan, las otras las tengo en mis apps en donde hago muchas pruebas.
De nuevo las reglas cambian en Glide??.

So this is a way to make us change plan forcely…disappointing.

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Hola James,

No, tus antiguas APPs de pruebas o inactivas en “My APPs” siguen funcionando si estas usan el plan Free. No hay problemas con ellas.

El tema ahora es que si alguna de ellas tenía un plan Pro previo o quisieras colocarle uno para pasarla de Free a Pro, estas ahora deben estar en un Team y usar los nuevos planes/precios.


Please submit support tickets. If you have remaining credit, the Glide support team can move it over.

Hi Darren do you think I could continue running my app and growing the userbase until I need the space on the $99 pro plan? I’m sure it will happen I just don’t need quite that much data (Yet) will something happen to my app if I simply keep it in “My Apps” for a bit?

Currently there is no hard cutoff date but it will be coming sometime soon. Sorry, I don’t have anything more specific as I’m just not sure.

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I just had a scare when i opened glide and saw this message “projects no longer supported”…

I knew this couldn’t be true because I’m on the new app version and recently purchased a yearly plan so I restarted my PC and everything is normal again… But guys, why does this happen?

Are you sure you purchased it on this team? It says “Free” on the top left.

I don’t know why it said free… it looked normal again after I restarted my pc.

Why does it say “My Apps” on the first screenshot and “Sekayi’s team” on the second though? I would think it should always be “Sekayi’s team”.

Might be a bad cache, otherwise I don’t know why.

hmm… yesterday I cleared my chrome cache. Maybe it was struggling to remember me :laughing:

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Also, the apps are different on those teams.

yep, it’s like I had entered a foreign land. Nothing looked familiar.

For a moment I thought maybe I was wiped from the database or something…