Please bring back the ability to just purchase rows or updates!

Hi there,

I am building an app that helps people with sensitive skin find safe products, and am trying to make it accessible to use without charging users. The initial rollout phase will help me figure out if I can get enough user base to warrant a paid plan/ add revenue.

I don’t need 25,000 rows. I wish there was a way I could purchase rows only, and I am sure I am not the only one. Making it so users only have the option to do 500 rows or pay $60 a month really sucks. I love the glide app, but I worry I will have to go to another platform as I just cant afford $60 a month when I am currently in between jobs (tech layoff) and trying to make ends meet. If glide allowed row/update purchase plans I am sure it would open up a new side of business for them by bringing in more entrepreneurs/ students who are wanting to test out concepts. Heck it can even be good for marketing as more creators can use it/ share about it.

The platform is strong enough to get someone hooked by the time they scale to the point of needing 25000 rows/other features that the paid plans have. So why did they have to cut that feature?

Are you on a Legacy Free plan or a New Free plan? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the new free plan allows for 25k rows. Your biggest limitation on either the legacy or new free plan is that you are limited to 10 signed in users.

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Our new free plan has 25k rows and ‘unlimited’ updates (we don’t count updates when using Glide Tables).

You are making a free list of skin products – this should be enough for that.


Oof sorry about that! I must have misread this information (old posts). Thanks for the update my apologies for any confusion.

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