Anyone else notice a pin delay lately?
Today, it took a minute and a half to come through. I worry if that was a new customer experience, I would have already requested a new pin, and then entered the first delayed pin and got rejected for putting in the wrong pin.
I find that this delay happens to me more often than it ever happens to brand new sign-ins. I.e. if you’re signing in/out a lot using the same email address, the PIN delivery is delayed. Hope that helps!
That’s fair had I been signing in and out - except i hadn’t signed in for several days. There was never a delay like this before, no matter how often i was signing in, now there is a delay every time. Having to leave the app to find a pin in your email can often be viewed as a hassle for users anyway…so having to wait, refresh, check spam, refresh again, check you’re on the right email, think it’s not coming etc. is adding another level of confusion and frustration.
Agree! I typically build out apps to eventually require a sign-in but make the app public so they can at least preview content, and it helps motivate the user to persist if they encounter sign-in issues.
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That’s what I have on mine too. Signing in is currently optional so I’m always trying to coerce users to sign in to perform actions, but they aren’t critical actions… so i fear they will just say ‘oh forget it’, if it’s too complicated.