Not accurate translation in French for the "What's your Name" dialog box

Sometimes, the app prompts with a “Sign-in like” dialog box, but just with “What’s your Name?”.
Except that it’s translated in French (which is appropriate), but with a huge error: “Quel est ton Nom?”.
As in English, “Name” refers to the First Name, not the Last Name.
Which should be “Prénom” in French, instead of “Nom”.
If users really type in their Last Name instead of their First Name, well, that’s not really friendly, right?
So, the right translation should be “Quel est ton prénom ?”.
With a space before the “?”, according to french rules.
Voilà :slight_smile:

@JackVaughan @PabloMFalero can you have a look on this? Thanks a lot!

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I’ll bring this to the team. Thank you @ThinhDinh


@ThinhDinh @PabloMFalero Thks, guys!
Maybe there’s similar mistranslations in other languages too! I only speak 4!
Thks for them as well.

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Hi! By Testing another student’s app, I noticed you corrected the mistranslations, and even with the proper lowercase + spacing before the question mark, thks!
But you forgot to translate the “Name” inside the field (placeholder).
it should be “Prénom” instead of “Nom”

in French.

La traduction idéale dans ce cas-ci serait “Quel est votre nom?”. C’est suffisamment clair pour que l’utilisateur décide de ne mettre que son prénom ou son nom complet. Également, on enlèvera le tutoiement (un peu trop familier) et l’espace avant le point d’interrogation.

Merci du signalement!

Hello Tristan, je ne suis pas d’accord, voir le 1er post.
It’s not accurate according to the field it corresponds to in the User Profile.
And how I use it to customize UI/UX.
And in French (non-Canadian), there’s a space before the “?”
The “ton” is perfect for me. For less formal “your”.
But it would be interesting, though to choose between formal and friendly, depending on your app :slightly_smiling_face:

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