Losted translation in In-App Filter and more

Hi Gliders!
First of all thank you for the great Product, it’s awesome.
But there are a few possibilities to make much better to be done a translation of UI for the end user. Let me offer to solve these 2 issues from your side.

1. Zero-translation of UI in In-App Filter
English is great language, but most of end users expect their own language in App UI. For example there are English only words on

  • Title (“Filter” = “Фильтр” in Russian, e.g.)
  • and on Button Bar (“Clear all” = “Очистить”, “Done” = “Готово”).
    I do not think it’s a hardest part of WTBD, but sure it is one of main reason of User Satisfaction from your Product.
  1. Language translation in most cases of UI\UX is okay, but in some cases there are difference in sense of translated words in Russian what you use for the Forms. You or seems our Browser translates the word for Done the Form as “Отправить” (means “Send”). Not a right choice of translation in many cases.
    Is it possible to have a possibility to change this word in Forms for another one using Form Options e…g.?

Thank you in advance!

I see #1 is done, just after a couple hours. Thank you very much!

This has been tagged so the team can review this. Thank you.

An alternative option for you is to contact the support team using the Intercom integration.

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This thread has been escalated. Support will follow up via the Messenger in the Builder or through email.

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