Unwanted translation of data

Glide app is translating in French some already french word in my app.
It’s translating Résumé (wich means sumup in french) by CV (which is resumé in english).
It’s also translating “BDOW” by “Oh mon Dieu !”. I do not want any automatic translation !!
another example with a tab title that glide is changing from “Made in BOB” into “fabriqué en BOB”…
Is there an option i should turn off ?
Best regards,

Those don’t seem like words that would be part of the Glide system. Glide only translates certain things, like words on the login screen or the submit and cancel button. Basically anything you don’t have control over, glide will translate based on the region settings on your device. Glide does not translate any content coming from your tables.

Are you sure your browser isn’t doing the translation as opposed to Glide?


Good remark.
I’m using chrome… and I’m not sure how can figure this out…

Usually in the chrome menu, you can enable or disable translation. Or the url should have the button as well.

Look for something like this.

Thanks. I turn all the traduction modules off. It made disappear some unwanted translation.
I’m gone turn all off and back on and clear the historical data.
Anyway, thanks a lot Jeff, it seems to be the reason!

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