I am looking at gtranslate.io as a viewer translation tool. It can translate any HTML website, but I’m guessing that Glide is not in that category - can someone confirm this? I played around with the free version and can’t figure out any way of using the code that was generated. It looks like this:
LOL I have no idea - not even sure if I can. Just looking for a way for a viewer to chose another language to translate an app. If I can’t use this, I may just make the page in wordpress.
Okay - so I think I’m supposed to paste the URL part into the URL field and this part into the JQ Query part
window.gtranslateSettings = {“default_language”:“en”,“detect_browser_language”:true,“languages”:[“en”,“fr”,“de”,“it”,“es”,“zh-CN”],“wrapper_selector”:“.gtranslate_wrapper”,“switcher_horizontal_position”:“right”,“switcher_vertical_position”:“top”}
But that doesn’t seem to be working. Not sure what I’m doing wrong.
@kabookie if you want something that will do dynamic translations at the Glide Table level, I have a code column that will do the job (I originally copied it from David).
It uses the Google Translation API and requires an API key.
I use it in together with static translations whenever I need to support multiple languages.
You’re welcome to use it (or fork it) if it suits your purpose.
My goal is for the user to select a language and then be able to read the page in that language - not an entry based translation. That is why I liked what I saw with gtranslate
I know, but you can’t do that in glide… so what you can do… is let users select their language… and then have all your text in your app, to be translated… you can also use a navigator or IP address to detect visitor language, so they don’t need to choose.