Not able to display value in sheet

when i edit any value in app then it shows in app spreadsheet but it is not reflecting in backend spreadsheet it is happening in every module can you please tell what to do or we have to upgrade it

what is your backend? how you write values?

two day back it was calculating but suddenly it stoped today

hmm… ok i think more users starts having problems… are you using USC to calculate values?

USC means?

User Specific Column

i am using makeowner row in email column

ok… similar structure… it was working before… now is not and you did not change anything?

there were some formula error in backend spreadsheet so we fix that and then it is not calculating like the edited value in app is not reflecting backend spreadsheet

in editor shows correct value but in live app is not?

like i edited value in app okay then when i see backend sheet then the edited value is not reflecting in backend spreadheet

suppose backend spreadsheet has col1=21 col 2=22 but when i change this value in app let suppose to 23 and 23 and then when i see backend it is still col1=21 col2=21

please don’t use backend… is confusing… use GS (Google Sheet) ,sheet or Glide table… or live App or App editor

suppose google spreadsheet has col1=21 col 2=22 and in col 3=is sum of col1 and col2 which is 44 but when i change this value in app let suppose to 23 and 23 and then when i see google spreadsheet it is still col1=21 col2=21 and col3=44

what element you use to change these values?

number entry

in editor is changing? when you click on table?

yes it is changing in editor

but not in GS? and your calculation (formula) is in GS?

Are you using a free or pro app? Have you exceeded you limit on sheet edits for the month?