New item/row with defaults set from most recent

Yeah, I do the same (Cancel and/or Back button that just goes back).
Just wanted to make sure you were aware of that potential gotcha :slight_smile:


I appreciate your detailed response.

I am coming to the same conclusion. Probably simply display the calculated distance and let them override it in a number entry – then if-else when saving the record.

Yes, having programmed for 30 years and then trying to write apps and pages in no-code is a challenge. But it’s one I’ve accepted; mainly because of the beautiful layouts.

The one thing (and I’ve tested a LOT) I don’t understand is when I use a “Show Edit”, the USC are not responsive except for setting visibility conditions (in other words, you cannot display the values in a hint or use them in Math columns). But when using “Show New”, the USC are responsive and you can display them in a hint and they can be used in Math columns.

I also just tested with “Show Detail”, and the USC are responsive, but I was reading another post this morning that was talking about updates being counted on Detail screens if you have components on the Detail screen that change underlying values in the data. I think that would be costly.

So why the USC are responsive on Detail and New, but not Edit is a bug perhaps?

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I think this is something I would have to play with to fully wrap my head around. USC columns are really a Relation/Lookup all wrapped into one package. They act like they are part of your table but in reality, I think they are stored in a separate hidden table which becomes evident when you export the data. In the export you see the separate hidden tables with the user specific data. So, I think they are kind of a hybrid between basic and computed columns.

An Edit screen is working with a temporary version of the row data, whereas Detail and New are working directly with the live row data. I believe computed columns only compute on the live data, not the temporary data.

A Form or Add screen will not let you touch USC columns. In a way this makes sense to me, but I can also see cases where users would want to fill a USC column initially when the row is created. But in most cases, a USC column with be updated by multiple users after the row has already been added.

I think @ThinhDinh pointed out once that a relation will sort of halfway fill when working with a form or edit screen, but you can’t pull anything out of that relation. At most I think you can check if it’s empty or not. This may be what’s happening with USC columns. They kind of work, but not completely until you are working with the live data instead of a temporary copy of it.

I don’t know. Kind of hard to explain since I don’t know the full mechanics of Glide. I don’t know if these are technical limitations or by design.


So same. I just tested and a lookup on a relation to a record with a USC works on a detail screen, but not on an edit screen.

I’ll have to use Show New or Show Detail. But I don’t think Show Detail is viable because of the update issue. Would be really nice if we could use Session Cookies since none of this data needs to be kept after a record is created using the USC (into regular columns – like the Milage Log).

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