Não consigo encontrar os parametros no Webhook


Preciso de uma ajuda com meu app. Estou utilizando o Make (Integromat), para conectar meu App Glide a uma ação de criação de fatura com Google Docs. Acontece que quando vou selecionar os parametros que devem ser substituídos no arquivo do Google Docs, não aparece as opções. Apenas essas opções aparecem:

Alguém consegue me ajudar?

This thread will help.

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Ainda sim, não consigo. Estou tentando fazer com um Webhook personalizado, mas na hora importar os dados, fica eternamente carregando:

O que pode ser?

@Leocadio_Neto you need to run this Webhook inside Glide!

Watch this video made by Robert!
This is the starting that Robert shows about this in the above video

Obrigado pela ajuda!

Executei a ação no Glide para que fosse enviado ao Make os dados de amostra, no entanto, quando vou procurar a variável para inserir no campo do documento não aparece (como se não tivesse carregado) Adicionei na ação dentro do Glide os campos que preciso, mas mesmo assim não aparece:

Consegue ajudar?

Could you show a screenshot of your Webhook action setup inside Glide?



Have you tried reloading the screen? It might take a while to load, providing you have sent a sample data over to the webhook module.

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Ja tentei e mesmo assim não aparece :frowning:

No Zapier consegui criar todos os fluxos de trabalho, mas resolvi ir pro make porque tem um bom custo beneficio para o free.

Alguma outra sugestao?

the same thing is happening here, did you find any solution for this problem? parameters do not return values.

I think DocsAutomator is a better option for you if your sole use is to generate a document.

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The Cost Benefit of make is much better, when you intend to go beyond the free plan, comparing the two.

Thanks for the mention @ThinhDinh :pray:

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So I assume you’re passing the value through the webhook? I think your params look a bit off. Why do you all have “1. Params” there? Shouldn’t that extend to say something like “1. nomeAluno. value” or something like that?

that’s right, but I can’t select anything other than parameter 1, I thought that when selecting the 1.paraments, it should show me the value options within the parameter, but that doesn’t happen. I’ll spend a little more time trying to figure out why.

your solution is very good and makes the job of generating a PDF very easy, but the price is a problem for underdeveloped countries like mine, Brazil, where the value of your cheapest plan would be multiplied by 6, when paying in my currency weak.

I would do this:

  • Go to the webhook module in Make, click “Redetermine data structure”.

Make 2023-05-16 at 6.43.23 AM

  • Go to your Glide builder, and click the button that would trigger the webhook.

  • Go back to Make to make sure the payload goes through and there’s a sign showing that the redetermination process has been completed. Click “Ok”, then try to see if the params are now available for you to choose.

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I hear you!

thank you for your attention. the glide module was receiving the values from the webhook perfectly, the problem was in the google docs module, which did not show these values, after a few attempts everything worked, it must be a bug that happens in the first attempts.

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Great to hear it worked!