Moving from GSheets to Glide Tables

Hi all,

I have an app that I built off of Google Sheets, since I was using Google Forms for data entry. I have decided to create my forms in Glide in Custom Tabs/Form Containers, to get away from Google Sign-In requirements. I’d like to unlink the Google Sheets so that all the data is stored in the Glide Tables, but I am afraid when I do so, I will loose my Layout Edits.

Any advise would be appreciated.

Yes, you will.

There is no easy way to do this, unfortunately.
What you need to do is replace the GSheet tables one by one, reconfiguring everything as you go along. I would recommend the following approach:

  • Make a copy of your App, choosing the “Copy the sheet” option.
  • Work through the tables one at a time. For each one:
    – Create a new Glide table to replace the existing Gsheet sourced one
    – Export the data from the Gsheet table to CSV
    – Import the CSV into the new Glide table (this will create all the non-computed columns for you, with the same names).
    – Recreate all computed columns
    – Use “Find uses” on each column in the original table, and reconfigure all references to point to the new table
  • Rinse, lather, repeat for all tables
  • Once you are done, you can unlink the Google Spreadsheet, publish the App, and un-publish the original App

@Darren_Murphy thank you. Looks like I will just have to do it then.

If I don’t manage it, I will post again, otherwise you may assume I managed

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I managed the move. I did it in the same app, and not a copy, by creating new tables and linking them to the right collections. I did loose my layouts and had to re-do them, but all in all it wasn’t too difficult a process. The Glide forms work better for me than the Google forms.

Thanks for your advise.

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That was quick. How many tables did you have?

Only 2, I was lucky

Kind Regards


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