It must be noted before going into this that you can not simply create an identical copy with a push of a button yet. You have to manually enter every row of your Google Sheet.
Assuming you don’t use any functions in GSheets that Glide hasn’t offered yet, everything else will be fine.
This thread was posted nearly a year ago, I’m wondering if any further details have been released by Glide as to how easy it will be to migrate from a GSheet to a Glide Table?
I launched a simple Glide App on Wednesday, and as of today I have 18,000 users… each taking up a row, and I’m getting super close to my 25,000 limit (yes I know there’s no hard enforcement).
I’m concerned about performance if it get’s too much bigger, and in hindsight, I should have used a Glide Table from the beginning.
Is it yet possible to migrate my GSheet to a Glide Table, and retain all of my custom column definitions, relationships, and data?
There’s not an easy way to migrate. Some people have set up inline lists with custom actions that will add a row to a different table and then set a boolean in the original sheet and then filter that row from the list after the boolean is set. This would allow you to tap on each row to have it added to another table. The only problem is that having 18,000 rows means a lot of tapping. You could instead build a flow or action that would add the row to a new table whenever the user performs an action, so essentially your users are doing all of the work for you. It may take a few days and it all depends on the user actually using the app and performing a certain action. Neither are ideal, but it’s really the only option.
The only problems with the above method would be if something changes in that user table. It would be hard to keep two tables synced up while you are migrating unless you prevent access temporarily.
Short story, no there is no quick native method to migrate from a sheet to a table, but it is possible with some extra work using the above methods.
Obviously you won’t have any google sheet specific functionality in a Glide Table. Other than that, there’s really no difference. As far as I see it, google sheets are still synced and stored on glide as a sort of glide table. The only thing you are eliminating is the extra step and overhead of the glide server having to sync that data between itself and google. The app is still communicating only with the glide servers and updating data on the glide servers. The the glide server then syncs it’s version of the data with the google version of the data. It’s that sync between glide and google that can start to bottleneck if you have a lot of data. As far as I’m concerned, the published app has zero knowledge that there is even a google sheet ever involved.