Many images don't load on the home screen version of the app

I don’t understand why since yesterday my app has 2 different behaviours on the home screen version and on the browser version. Images don’t load on the home screen version.

Here is the home screen version

Here is the browser version

I was about to release the app today so it is a bit annoying to be stuck because of that. :confused:

Thanks for your help

Nice app there. May I ask where do you store the images?

Thanks. :slight_smile:
Images are stored in Google Drive. Is there a better solution?

You may have a read of what Megann did here, or try Robert’s solution of using Cloudinary.

I’ve just tried the trick suggested by Megann and it doesn’t work.
Cloudinary seems to be a lot of work for me so I will wait for the reply of the Glide Team before doing anything like that.

The thing is images are displayed perfectly on the browser version of the app. The issue is only when I put the app on the home screen of my phone and when I open it 80% of the images don’t display.

Thanks though

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Can I have a link of your app so I can test on my devices?

The link is but you should give me your email so that I will add it on the whitelist.
Thanks for your help

Please add Thank you.

Should be good now. You can log in. :slight_smile:
PS : It is written in French ^^

Most of the images on the home screen aren’t showing on my browser.

Can you try drag & drop?

I’ve tried. Not working
I’ve also tried to log in in a incognito windows on my browser. You are right. Many images don’t show up.
Tricky… -_-’

Last step is to make sure the images are all set to public on Drive, otherwise I think you can wait for the Glide team to answer this, or relocate your images to somewhere else. Imgur maybe.

All the images have to be public? I don’t think it is on my drive but how come some of them show up and others don’t?

You can read about it here.

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Just checking back on this, is everything better now brother?

I was coming back to give you all an update. It seems that I just had to put all the pics public because it works well now.
Thanks mate :slight_smile:

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Wish you all the best for the launching bro! Have a nice day.

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Thank you very much!
Belle journée également. :slight_smile:

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