Making my app public at first and then ask users to sign in by providing further personal info

As my app is an online shop, at first, I would like users to be able to view all products posted for sale. Then, they can sign in by providing more personal info such as name, phone number, age, etc. I’m kind of stuck with setting visible condition, plus, I cannot find feature to set filter by sign in users. Please kindly recommend. Thanks in advance!

Here are the conditions:

  • For non signed-in users: If user’s email is empty.
  • For signed-in uses: If user’s email is not empty.

This is assuming you have enabled user profiles.


For conditions provided above, should I set the app as public or public with email? I have tried different methods regarding to this. If I choose public with email, users will need to sign in with their email at first before being able to view all components in my app. This won’t work according to my app requirement. Most people here are not knowledgeable with email. Our goal is to allow them to view all the component of products for sale and our available services even before they offer personal data.

First for selecting public with email, when I set condition on tab visibility via email as you provided above, the system states that the condition is false. I think, maybe because it is contradict to Public with email condition.

Second, when I choose my app as public, users are able to view everything on my app. The problem occurs when they fill in the form button by uploading their photo, type in their name, etc. They are unable to view their personal info and they are still required to input their data again. When I check in the user profile sheet, I found out that there are two rows with the same email. However, one row is without other info while another is showing up with the data filled in by the user. To be clear, I did filter by user’s email as well.

Third, I have set my app as public with email and created form button as above. After filtering my user’s email, user is able to create their own profile without being required to filled in the form again. There is no duplicated row with the same email as it was before. Everything works fine, however, it doesn’t serve my goal to allow users to view my app with just a link to it.

Please kindly recommend if you have any idea regarding to this. I have tried all the best I can. Thanks.

You should set it to public and not telling the users to do anything user profiles-wise until they login. What you did above, as you have realized, makes it 2 rows instead of one for a user.

At the point where the user first logs in, follow one of the onboarding flow tutorials in this forum. I would suggest this to be a good place to start.

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Thank you so much for your kind help. It does help a lot.

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Tell us if you face any further problems, we’ll be glad to help.

Thank you. I will try this.

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