I have created an app where it can record payment received against a product in instalments.
So I have 2 sheets:
One with product information
To record the payments with amount & date
Then I’m using a relation between 2 sheets and using a lookup to get the payments received & date of payment against each product, so it gives me an array column for multiple results.
I want to display this in a table when I open any product’s detail page in the app. Can someone guide me with this?
I tried a workaround and it works smoothly.
So, I have a sheet where the entries of payments (“Payments Sheet”) are stored and one sheet where the products (“Products Sheet”) are stored.
Step 1: Use Template column (naming it as “Combined”) to format into the following type
“Amt - Date”
replace “amt” with the amount
replace “date” with the payment date
Step 2: Create a relation in products sheets which relates the “product name” from products sheet to “product name” in payments sheet.
Step 3: Use lookup column (naming it as “Get Payments”) in products sheet to lookup “Combined” from payments sheet
Step 4: Set up a new column with joined list component (naming it as “display payments”) and refer it to the “Get Payments” column
replace “,” as a separator with “new line” (by pressing enter)
It’s done, you’re all set to go.
Now you can make any entry to the payments sheet and it will immediately be added to the display.