Lookup Images not loading

None of my " lookup " images anywhere in the app are loading.

Should I be worried?

PS. Was working 20 minutes ago and I have not done anything except clean up some edit screens

all the images in the app do not appear

Mine just reappeared.

Mine are not appearing yet…

My images are all Dropbox linked and are not working either.

same here. I checked the source and links, all is fine, no changes, but suddenly none of my lookup images display…

Mine have not reappeared yet. Please advise.

Shorty’s -

Burgatory -

Any app is NOT showing any images, whats going on?

Same issue. Images don’t appear in Title’s but same images are showing on inline lists.

It was fixed but it broke again.

Glide should give everyone a status update - this is a problem.

Hey everyone!

We are aware of this issue. A fix is coming up shortly!

Thanks for reporting!


Any change in this issue?
I have three lookup fields: one with image, another with text and the las with url. All of them have data in thre table but none of them appears in the layout. If I use a split field getting text from de text and url fields I can see both in the layout

Can you check if the screen is referencing the right row? Can you show us some screenshots or a video?

I found a possible cause. The field that iniates the relation from which the lookups read information was a lookup field itself. I changed that field and now it works fine

I’ve solved my issue.
To answer your question

“Can you check if the screen is referencing the right row?”

Yes. The right data was shown in the table. The problem was it was not shown in the layout.
Thanks for your help anyway.

Why was it not working before though? What did you change it to?

Why was it not working before though?

I don´t know. I just tried and tried and found a solution

What did you change it to?

It’s a special case with only one row showing the details of the information. As there is only one row I have used a Unique field

I had the same issue.

My setup: Using Google Sheets (I have later seen a warning/disclaimer in a community post against doing so - images should be hosted on a Glide server).

As soon as I created a separate table for storing the image directly within Glide and created a relation to the table, the lookup fetching the image worked.

Google Sheets might not be relevant here. What we don’t encourage using is Google Drive, since it can lead you to a situation that too many people try to load the image, and your account/that image’s specific link hits a limit, nobody gets served the image anymore.

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