Logo/Title doesn't display Home link in mobile view menu

Is there a specific reason why when Menu > Logo and Title is enabled under Settings and Options > Navigation > Hide from nav bar is enabled that Glide doesn’t list a link to Home in the mobile view hamburger menu? See video below for further details. Thx

I don’t think that it’s the “Logo” so much as the “Header” that you’re actually tapping on, you can customize what happens when a user taps on the top of the screen for each section you make.

Tapping on the top/header should take you back to the “Home Screen” no matter which device you’re on, I believe this is the standard by default. Hope this helps.

Hi, @Alpha_University. I appreciate you weighing in on this. Yes, the default action of returning to the app’s designated Home screen works on both desktop or mobile — and that’s what we want.

However if you watch to the end of the video, I’m trying to understand why a “Home” link isn’t added to the app’s Menu by default when the header/logo is enabled as a navigational link?

We want to be able to enable “Hide from nav bar” on the Home screen so there isn’t duplicate navigation to the same screen but, at the same time, we would like to have “Home” added to the Menu navigation when the app is viewed on smaller viewports like mobile phones in portrait orientation (see red in mockup below).

I’m trying to figure out if I’ve missed a setting or, if this can’t be configured this way, why not? Glide does such an awesome job creating customization elsewhere and I can’t be the only one who wants Home listed in the Menu navigation without having to duplicate a Home link in the top bar page navigation.

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