My experience adding myself as a team member (tried it twice):
- Send invite (to alias email)
- Click accept invite
- Get asked to sign in or sign up
- Go through that
- See my new Glide account with nothing in it
- Get asked to confirm email
- Do that
- Use my initiative and try the invite in step 2 again, it works!
Is that the expected process? My client still hasn’t joined my team because he gets confused at step 5. 
I think it works better if you’re already signed into Glide before you accept the invite.
I’m pretty much always signed into Glide, so that’s really the only way I’ve ever experienced it, and it’s always worked first time.
I think invite to team isn’t really the correct title for the process in this case, it is more “sign up confirm email, arrive an empty workspace, go back to your email, try the original link again, now it will work” 
Seems unintuitive for clients being invited to a workspace is all because you end up in your own workspace with no indication of what to do next.
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