Are you referring to me as the owner?
Yes, I’m logged in and opt in.
Or are you referring to the invited team members?
In that case it doesn’t make sense because usually you first send an a invitation and only then the person signs in.
I am referring to the person receiving the invite. Do they already have a glide account? If so, they need to check their cookies are opt-in and signed-in.
Yes, they need a glide account if your intention is to make them part of the team to help develop your app. If that is not your intention, then you may have misunderstood the purpose of teams in glide. If you are trying to invite customers to use the app, then you should be sharing the published app url instead of the teams invitation link.
You can filter data, but I would advise applying Row Owners instead to any data that should be accessible to only the signed in user. Make sure you have a column with the user’s email address, then apply row owners to that column. Then each user will only be able to see and access their own data. Row Owners is much more secure than simply applying a filter.
If you are asking about Row Owners, then yes, it should work with your current privacy setting.
However, I’m not quite sure what you mean by this part of your question, because Row Owner security would be a moot point if the only users are fellow app development team members. A Private Pro plan can restrict who can sign into an app by allowing you to create a whitelist of approved emails that can be used to sign into the app. With a Free or Public Pro app, set to public or public with email, anybody can sign into the app, but you can still control data security using Row Owners. Setting your privacy to Private for only team members would only restrict app access to fellow app development team members.
If you are attempting to emulate private app access, under a free plan, for end user customers by using glide teams, then you have to realize that everybody in a glide team will have access to actually edit the app in the builder, see all data, and preview the app as other users. Teams are intended for multiple glide app developers to work on and build the app as a team. Sure, a team member can be an end user, but don’t assume that they do not have access to modify the app or view and modify the data of other users.
I’ve got a similar problem. At first, I quite didn’t understand the invite link functionality - I assumed it would just give them access to be able to log on to the app. But instead they would create a Glide account going to the process. I’m guessing the purpose of that routine is that they would be added as a member to the app and be able to edit and manage it. That doesn’t seem to work. When signed up, they still can’t log in either (entering email address just throws message ‘The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another.’ I tried with a secondary email address myself and ran in the same issues. This functionality seems quite. buggy to me?
went to settings > sharing > (clicked on) editors
sent invite(s)
invites were accepted, accounts created
in some instances, my app was available to explore, in others it wasn’t
invites sent out and accepted are still listed as ‘pending’ on my settings > sharing page
members can’t log on / get pincode (‘The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another.’)
the ‘copy link’ button on the members page isn’t working either - just unresponsive
(On a side note, I’m getting a blank page with just ‘Could not load network resources’ as well?!)
I had lot of fun building some apps some time ago and recently ran into a project to which I though Glide would be perfect. I was massaging my customer to fork out the $28 monthly, but he’s already very frustrated that nothing I send to him is working. And so am I. I guess I will have to build it from scratch myself :-/
My goals is to have the app password protected (or better: pin-protected) where I can add email addresses for users who should get access. Users should not have access to the builder.
What I tried to do is:
In Privacy, select ‘Sign-in required’
And select ‘Only … editors’ for ‘Who can sign in’
I realise now that if I sent an invite to become an editor, a user get’s access to the builder and can use their email address to access the app.
But this means they need to sign up for Glide and that seems quite confusing to the people I want to give access.
Next I tried the ‘Copy link’ button (Anyone with the link can join your team.). The button didn’t work in Safari, but I managed to get that link in Chrome. When I open that link, again you get directed to the mai Glide signup page. When signed up, that account doesn’t have access to the bulder, nor can that email address be used to access the app (‘The email address doesn’t have access to this app. Please try another.’).
So I’m not quite sure alt to do. Is there a way to simply add email addresses somewhere for users to allow access to the app (and not the builder)? Or is that a paid option?
I think you’re getting Team Members and Users confused.
You only ever want to invite somebody as a Team Member if they’re actually going to be collaborating with you in building your app. You should also be aware that team members have full access to all projects in your team - including the ability to delete projects. So only ever invite people that you trust as team members.
I’ll put the sign in issues that your invitees have been having aside for the moment, as that’s probably tangential to your actual problem.
It sounds to me that you want your App to be private. Before you go down that path, make sure you’ve had a good look at the Glide Pricing page. Limits on private users are quite restrictive and it can get expensive if you expect a large user base.
Anyway, to set your app up for Private Users, you’ll first need to ensure that you’ve configured User Profiles correctly, then you can set your Privacy settings to Sign-In Required, and only allow users in the User Profiles table.
Then what you need to do is add the emails of those you want to allow access to the User Profiles table, and give them the published URL of your app. As long as the email address they use to sign in matches one in the user profiles table, they should be allowed access.
You were right, Missed the ‘setting upuser profiles’ bit (it’s been some time since I last used Glide and still trying to find my way around. All works now as intended.
Very much appreciated!