Inline lists

I have duplicated a tab with an inline list. If I delete an item in one list same item is also deleted in the other list.

Is there a way to have different item lay-outs in these lists?

I think what you want is copying components over rather than duplicating tabs. I got into trouble with duplicating tabs just like you in the past.

? If I add a component to the one list it also shows up in the other list!

Did you try copying the component instead?

Are you talking about changing something on the list itself or in the details view of the list items?

Details layouts are tied to sheets/tables, so if you are changing the details view of a list item on one tab, and then viewing the details of a list item on a second tab, you will see the same change, because both detail views are tied to the same data source. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but generally the details view layout is global throughout the app.


It is about the details view!

Is there an exception that I can apply in my case?

Yes and no. One exception is to use Independent Screen Configuration, but you would have to design every single list item independently and I’m not sure how that works for viewing the same list item from multiple tabs. It may not work and would not be scalable without some headaches.

Otherwise, a detail style view can be unique only at the top level of a tab or link to screen. It you start to drill into deeper levels below that top level, such as through a list, then the layout is still stuck and tied to that table/sheet. Since you are using lists, you will always be below that too level, so it will never work in your case.

The only reasonable option I can think of is to create a custom action on each list. The action will first set a user specific column value for the item you clicked on to indicate which tab list you are viewing. Then the second action would be to view the details to show the details of the list item. You will then have to add visibility conditions on each component based on the user specific column value. So if you select a list item on Tab A, it would set β€˜A’ in the user specific column and all β€˜A’ components would be conditioned to show. If you select a list item on Tab B, it would set β€˜B’ to the USC and you would condition all B components to show in the Details screen. So it’s possible, but with a little more work on your part to properly set visibility conditions on each component in your details view.


I approach some similar problems the user specific way too. One case was when my client wants the user to see only subscription related info when clicked in the hamburger menu tab, but when viewing the same row from the main menu it should show course related content.

Setting a user specific value, then view details and configure visibility accordingly did the trick.