šŸ†• In Staging - New Builder

Well, looks like the new builder is in staging. Not sure how I feel about it yet, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get used to it.

The only issue Iā€™ve noticed so far, is that I can no longer access all of my tabs in the left panel.
Whereā€™s the rest of them???

Also canā€™t seem to drag any tabs into the side menu.

My biggest suggestion would be to swap the left and middle panels. Feels like a lot of eye and mouse movements to select a component on the left hand side and adjust itā€™s settings on the right hand side, but I do like the visibility of having both up at once.


Still needs refinement for sureā€¦it isnā€™t intuitive on how to edit the layout of a tab (now ā€˜screenā€™)ā€”it keeps defaulting to the screen icon/visibility panel and not the layout properties panel.


Yeah, it will take some mental adjustment for sure. Definitely buggy though.


I donā€™t understand what needed to be fixed? Seems like it works just fine as is to me :nerd_face:

@Jeff_Hager does it have the ability to edit tablet and web layouts?

Data editor should be full screen

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Hereā€™s the bug I was referring toā€”

Probably just a redesign to allow for future enhancements

Iā€™m not seeing anything special for tablet/desktop view. Iā€™ve also only played with it for the last few minutes since I discovered it. :wink:

I think the intention is to click on the tab at the bottom of the app to open the properties panel. Iā€™ll have to see how that works when there are no tabs. Right now I still have the bug in the screens sections where I donā€™t see all the tabs.

Edit: Yeah definitely less intuitive when there are no tabs displayed at the bottom (single tab app). I had to go through the same steps as you to get the tab properties to show up. Otherwise, you are kind of stuck once you click on a ā€œscreenā€ and get the tab settings.

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Ditto. Also, I canā€™t create new tabs. I was able to access the properties panel by clicking the tab icon within the app, but if thereā€™s only one tab, then there wonā€™t be an icon to click.

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Gotchaā€¦yikes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Suggestion/Dream: option to pop-out data editor in its own windowā€¦ so it could be dragged to a 2nd monitor and viewed side-by-side without taking up more real estate.


There is a lot of work left before this will be released.


Oh my freaking god. Glide you have impressed me once again!

@david We cannot edit the user profiles screen :expressionless:

Also, how do you reload the sheet?

There is a reload icon next to the data editor tab at the top of the screen.

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I guess there is a number of enhancements to implement before it goes live, so be patient, Iā€™m sure all you want will be there when itā€™s released. :smile:

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Keyboard shortcuts would be cool -

1 - data editor
2 - layout
3 - settings
? - new component (then auto-focus on the search bar)
? - new screen
? - new data editor column (then auto-focus on column label input field)


That would be so helpful

Right but if they included Ctrl, then that would mess with select modeā€¦