🆕 Please try the new Glide builder

Please try this and let us know if you find any issues, and share your feedback.

You can now enable the new Glide builder interface:


There are many refinements around colors, design, and icons still to come, and if there are no major issues, we will turn this on for everyone next week.


Thanks @david !

That looks amazing ! You guys are doing a tremendous job as usual :slight_smile:


Done and done! Such a smart idea—give us the chance to use it without forcing the GUI on everyone.


The old UI is not long for this world :wink: We just didn’t want to roll it out without giving people a chance to at least make sure it doesn’t completely implode their usage.


@Jason is the Tablet and Desktop view editors coming soon?


Just Great !! :smiley:

I just have something weird on mine, dont now how to change it but the tabs I have on my main interface dont show but the ones I have in the menu I can see them, I dont know if is something Im missing or it is an issue. Just sharing hopping is useful.

Thanks a lot for all the new improvements and features!!

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@Jason Found a significant tab visibility bug. When I go to change the tab visibility to only show when…the moment I alter the condition, the tab hides itself and won’t let me access it in the right-hand pane to finish the condition.

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Hi, very nice.
It seems that we cannot move the tables in the dataeditor, right?

Yep, found that issue in Staging a few days ago. Was hoping it would have been fixed by now.

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Hi, you probably noticed but in case, when moving from iOs to Android view, the theme color is applied around the smartphone

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All titles of my components have disapeared in the left menu (except for “special values”)


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So Sorry I already realize that is becouse I dont have there any text only the icon on those tabs

Choice component displays choice of numbers in the wrong order (while it’s in the proper one in the tab)


Woops, thanks. On it.

Click on that component again and give it a name :wink:

All of them have one @Jason , ex.

:raised_hands: Yes! You can name your components now!

Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 4.17.42 PM


Impressively amazing. Thanks glide team!

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EDIT : Resolved

Just a little tidbit.
In Dark mode, we sometimes lose the name.

