Is there a way to notify users in-app? I have a chat feature built in my app, i want to know if, i can notify users that somone has sent them a chat request, no matter what tab my user is on.
Note: Im reffering to in-app pop-up style notifications.
I was able to use CSS to generate this pop-up button when a chat request is recived, but i have no way to make it go away, after user accepts the chat, or let the user know another chat request has come in.
The popup box is triggered when a user initiates a chat to that particular user, and this is done by a checkbox which gets auto filled on form submission n chats sheets. I want to use the ‘X’ button to close the popup, but when i use the increment feature it only shows me items from the same tab where the button is hosted, I need to increment the item in chats sheet.
Yes i want to decrement a numeric column (called notify) in chats sheets to show and close the modal. Since i want the user to get a pop-up in all tabs, i need a way to increment and decrement from any tab to the same chat sheet. Increment is not a issue, i have no problem making the modal appear, its the disappear that is the issue.
Attached are the screen shots which shows the chat sheet. What makes the modal appear is the notify column, which is auto-filled when user submits a chat request form.
Users sheet has a relation to chats sheets, which brings only Chat user 2 email.(this is the column to whom the chat request is sent to) . Then I use lookup to bring the User 2 emails,