Icons cannot be displayed

Hi All,

I’ve got a problem when trying to display some icons in my app.
I am trying to use Google Drive-hosted images’ link as advised by Glide Library (https://docs.glideapps.com/all/guides/quick-starts/intermediate-techniques/working-with-images). The links are inserted in my sheet but the images are still not showing up.
For example: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19cUOlSBOFbUI4BzLTeTzcoSQZE_NVRfC/view?usp=sharing

Do you have any ideas why this happens? Is there a minimum size the icon should be of?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Just an idea : try to remove the accent in the filename of your icon.

On my side, I don’t store any image in Google drive, because I got either latency, either no show. I don’t know why…

So as a workaround I store all my static images / icons via the app in firebase, then I save the link and set it in cells of my sheet and remove the “edit” of the icons (image picker component).

Hi Christophe,
Could you please advise what do you mean by removing the edit of the icons? A screenshot maybe.
I have now tried to upload the images without accent, still not displaying, also tried to submit them to Imgur, but these links do not seem to work either.
Thanks a lot!

When I want to add static images, or icons, in my app, I add an image picker component in the app, somewhere in the screen that will contain this static image. I use then this image picker component to load this image. As the image picker component points on the cells of the sheet, the firebase link is set. I then remove the image picker component of the app builder, I just use the image component to display the imageAnd usually, it works…

Share your icon if you want, I will try on my side to get it displayed.

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Just to add another option here, if you have a placeholder image you can finish your app layout and than just drag the images you want and drop it on the placeholder, Glide automatically store the images on Firebase and change the link on your sheet.

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Yep, it’s really better that my option! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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