I duplicated an app to preserve the original and now I can't see the 2nd one on my phone

I duplicated an app to continue working on the duplicated version; I was afraid I’d mess up the original. I made quite a few changes to the 2nd version and now I can’t preview it either on the desktop or my phone. When I share it and click on the link or scan the QR code, I got “Internal Server Error” I’m guessing some of the Google sheets may not be in sync. I chose the option to copy the sheets when I duplicated it. Any help would be great as I’d hate to go back to the original and implement all the changes again.

It does seem like someone else has the same problem, so maybe “Internal Server Error” is not just happening to your app.

@SantiagoPerez for what it’s worth, I tried some of my apps and don’t get this error.

@Jacques_Julmice, please send a support link alongside a recording to the support team so they can take a look.


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Also can you verify this is Glide Pages? Another user reported the same thing here.

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No, it’s not a Glide Page; it’s an app. Thanks for the prompt reply. I’ll send more details to support.

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It’s funny how these things always works out that way. As I started recording a screen capture video to send to support, everything started working fine. It’s a non-issue for now. Thx

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