How To: CSV Export and send as email

Below is a short tutorial that demonstrates how to generate a CSV export from Glide, and send it as an email attachment using Integromat.

This uses the joined list technique that was originally described by @Purvang_Joshi here.

I hope others find it useful :slight_smile:

If the above video won't play, paste the below link into a browser.

Awesome… :+1:

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Great one!!!

That is super handy! Thanks

This is Super @Darren_Murphy. Thank you for sharing :hugs:.
Its gonna come in handy for one of my projects.

I couldn’t replicate the column name part, could you help me?

Can you elaborate a little, please?
Which column, which name? Do you have a screen shot?

As you can see the columns are not named, example “name” “date”

Is that screenshot from your Google Sheet?
The first row in your spreadsheet must contain the column headers.
Just insert a row at the top and add them in.

No, this is the generated CSV file, I would like the column titles to be included in it

oh! hahah…

Okay, so it looks like you are missing the header row in your template, or it might not be defined properly. So that’s what you should check. If you can’t identify where it’s wrong, please show me how you have it configured.

1st I created a template to gather the information.

2nd I created a joined list to be able to use the webhook

3rd I configured the webhook to pull the data from the joined list.

Yes, you are missing a template column for the header row. If you go back and look at my video, I talk about this at 6:08


@Darren_Murphy, this is really helpful. I created a separate table in glide with my subject, body, and data. When setting up my webhook action, I don’t know how to pull from the separate glide table I created. It automatically pulls from the table with all the user data. Should I just create extra columns in that single table? I think I’m missing something.
Screenshot 2023-01-30 at 2.52.21 PM

Is there a reason you want to create a separate table for this? Can you show us the data structure you currently have?

Sounds like the source of your screen is your Users Table?
You would either need to change the source of your screen to use the Helper Table, or alternatively use Single Value columns to “copy” those columns from your Helper Table to your Users table.

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Thank you for the response, ThinhDinh. I am new to glide and was following Darren’s video step by step and saw he used a separate table. I went ahead and just added extra columns. Thanks.

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Yes, strictly speaking the Helper Table isn’t actually required.
Personally, I tend to use them quite a bit as they create a natural separation of concerns and keep my data tables cleaner. But at the end of the day, it mostly comes down to personal preference.

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Thank you very much for the tutorial! That was really verey very helpful.
I have only one question left and can’t understand what you are saying there.
Which separater do you use (in tutorial 6’03’') to put each row on a separate line?
Thanks a lot beforehand!

Carriage Return Line Feed (CRLF), which is just the “Enter” key on your keyboard.