Have a message for empty screen

Hello, in attached files, you will see that in the first tab, screen has content, but in the second tab, screen is empty.
Why? Because I applied some simple data filters :

  1. 1st tab : Status is Devis à réaliser
  2. 2nd tab : Status is À envoyer au client OR Status is Envoyé au client

However, when filters don’t show any data, I get blank empty screens. I would like to display a headline with a message like “no items” when it’s empty, do you know how to make it?

I thought that I would have done this easily but no. The rule would be “show component when [THIS STATUS] doesn’t exist in the dababase” and I didn’t find that in Glide :slight_smile:

What method did you use to apply the filters?

Hello @Darren_Murphy ,

Create 2 query columns in your user profiles table, targeting the table(s) you’re using for those collections, and apply the same filters.

Add “empty screen messages” on your respective tabs when those queries are empty.


It works :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Thank you so much @ThinhDinh

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