Glide will buy your template!

First thoughts: there are two approaches to find this “use case”

  • business needs common to all SMBs (invoicing, expenses, purchasing, employees…)
  • and “vertical” ones, ie. per industry: ex. (with a temporary topic): many players conducting covid-tests are writing down on paper who is being tested, than re-entering it in the evening in the Sate database → 1 useless step to skip with an app?


Another thing that is a must I think for these apps is to obviate the need for users to access the editor or the sheet. I developed one last week for an employer, and she was really impressed. The Prototype got rejected because employer did not want to waste time on a dashboard or google sheet…Her remark I think was “time is of the essence”. When I delivered the final version which restricted the employer to the app , employer was very impressed and now going pro.


Interesting; does it mean that we may need an option to make the app. behaving either as an “end-user app only” or an “editable app”?

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Not sure, but this employer was really picky!

Here’s one we want: a Training app, with a list of videos for employees to watch. Maybe group the videos into tracks or categories, and allow employees to track their progress. We’ll pay $500 for this. If this isn’t worth your time, then don’t work on it :wink:


Thank you! :wink:

How far off is this? :smiley:


That is good!

this is great.

It’s great @sardamit - we’re already working on a training manager – i didn’t update David about this. However, may still be good for us to use. Will take a look. Any others of yours you want to send over?

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Thanks, @JackVaughan.

This template came to mind because David mentioned Glide was looking for one for this problem area.

I think this image captures all my templates that I would categorize under this:


So I point out that these templates already released resembles some of our older templates we shared either with Glide themselves or on the community. (24 days ago)

We decide we are now going to offer to buy the ones that couldn’t quite be replicated…I’m done…I’m just done…

We can very easily make any of these templates, @Drearystate—we’re not asking people to sell us a Training Videos app because we do not know how to make it, we’re offering it because we thought some people would like to be paid to do it.

Also, we started Glide after 7 years helping companies build every kind of app you can imagine. We did not get the idea of a Delivery app from the person who submitted one to our template store.

If you are ‘just done’, would you like me to remove your Expert status? That way people will not contact you through our website.


Exactly that! @Lucas_Pires

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Lol :joy: I just finished a 3 in one video preboarding, onboarding, and job training app. I will have to submit it to the template store I guess.

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My first Tables glide template

Idea is email whitelist - when you sign in…use the pen add top corner to add your details- all the fields - not some!

Then complete your preboarding, onboarding and role training!

Switch the lights off when watching a training video, and at the end of each phase get rewarded with CEO coffee, free lunch or 20 dollar voucher - who says employee training has to be boring.- make it fun and exiting!


I don’t think it matters david

@david, lol. You took away a title I wasn’t even told I had or was offered/asked if I wanted.