Testers wanted: New Pricing

Note: You can try this yourself by clicking ‘Add Organization’

Have you ever wanted to create many Glide apps with Pro features, but just for yourself, or just for you and a few other people? Are you also interested in a more affordable way to buy Glide?

We have a new subscription for Glide that will let you do this and we’re looking for beta testers. It allows you to create many Pro-level Glide apps starting at $8/month. If you’re interested in trying it, please DM me your Glide account email and I can give you access. Please share your feedback here.


Love this idea. Would the number of users be limited? This would allow me to make pro level apps for client’s that will slowly be building their following.


Yes, I want it. I started to develop a lot of solutions to my church community in the start, to my just one person wife’s physiotherapy office, but after 500 lines limit, public login, etc., I was discouraged to continue and I just continued with the solution I’ve done.

I’d like to emphasize this! Making an app for unlimited users or your church community is likely beyond this scope.

Does it means that the current free offer, that is mostly designed for a personal usage will disappear?



Interesting! Will it be for my family of four, my soccerteam of eleven or my twenty classmates? I realise that’s what you want to find out!

I’ll be a beta tester for ya

Ah! So, it’s $8/user/app/month? I misunderstood, thinking you meant unlimited apps at $8/user/month. :slight_smile:

No, it’s $8/user/month, across all apps in the org.

Ah! Yes. The pricing table confused me. I automatically read that as “per app/user/mo” :smiley:

CleanShot 2020-01-31 at 12.54.26

Looked at it, but not sure how you can make it clearer tho.


Yes I see the confusion.

Amazing David and Glide’s team !

I’m wondering, if the app is public so users don’t have to login, how can you limit the number of users?

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This is an excellent idea and at that price point, I would jump on that and bring my organization with me. Gotta say you guys are really amazing. Keep it up.

Hi @david,
Can I still be a beta tester?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes, just click ‘Add Organization’

Thanks @david, just did it!