🛑 Glide Pages

I’d rather use Wix than Pages. At least Wix drag-and-drop gives you full control of your future.

I would rather pay $199/mo per App than transition into irrelevance with “Pages”.


Yezzir. Databases are clumsy on WIX, but at least you can custom code in the gaps.

Glide needs a serious internal PMF discussion. Or perhaps this pages kick is the result of one.

As a paid user watching the executive decisions of Glide, I’ve resumed searching for other builders to migrate away from Glide.

The community here is top notch. Truly incredible and helpful. The executive team needs a swat in the ass though.

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Crazy thing is that I discovered Glide in December of 2019. I had been looking for a platform like Glide Apps for so long…

I ignored Bubble and all the other platforms because I loved Glide so much. The simple, yet POWERFUL DESIGN aspect of it was exactly what I was looking for that most other platforms didn’t have…

I spent THREE years of my time invested in APPS and the possibilities… now I feel like my wife just left me lol

Yes, Pages has potential but as a former web designer (who made Wix websites look like apps)… I’m quite disappointed in how unappealing Pages is… it’s almost like a bad joke (and I’m not the complaining type at all, which surprises me that I’m complaining here)

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Having to look for other tools is making me sick to the stomach. Literally been dwelling on this and paralyzed with inaction since that announcement


Paralyzed with inaction. Sums up my feeling about it too.

Glide is betting on B2B apps. Big mistake IMO.

There’s already thousands of SaaS options out there that solve B2B needs in a plug and play manner. No building from scratch, way cheaper recurring fees, larger capacity, and custom coding teams building features en masse.

Glide for a CRM app? Really? There’s tons of CRM options out there.
Glide for a service business app? WorkIZ, Jobber, ServiceAutoPilot, and many more exist.

This strategy will only survive as long as their indirect sales team (3rd party glide dev agencies) can continue to prey on uneducated business owners. Or until those business owners are financially forced to migrate to existing plug n play SaaS options.

David said he wanted to make 1 billion no code software developers. This ain’t the way to do it. The average joe “no coder” has been abandoned, and Glide has become the agency echo chamber club.

They’re essentially just creating another coding language, not a “no-code builder”.

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Exactly! I forgot about that. That’s why I was confused when he mentioned not empowering entrepreneurs… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@newyorkengineer @HouseHippo
I don’t quite understand why you are so disgruntled, though I can relate. I think it’s very important for Glide to hear worried gliders and their criticism.

When you start a project on Pages, if you set the display to mobile, don’t you feel like you are building an app? This is what I do. Components we have in Apps are still missing in Pages, but could we say Pages is 75% of what Apps is? Now what if Pages caught up or surpassed Apps in the next few weeks, would you still feel so annoyed? This is what David announced, and we can only trust the process and give it time.

Admittedly, I switched over from Apps to Pages around September, and I noticed I am building less on Pages than I used to on Apps and I’m struggling more for some reason. I’m having to think more, which can be frustrating.

You make valid points. Glide for a CRM app for example? I’ve never really understood this use case. And yet, believe it or not, I built a small CRM for a small practice that keeps its client data in a Google Sheets anyway. To many of us in this forum, not using a dedicated CRM when there are so many free/cheap CRM solutions out there seems bizarre, but many non-tech businesses work with email, calendar, some Word, some Excel, that’s it.

Just like inputting a few numbers in a table, being able to sum and produce a chart is huge (Excel), the ability to create an app for the same set of data is nothing short of revolutionary. 1 billion developers probably means addressing a market of non-tech savvy people so they somehow achieve tech things, like sending an email, creating a budget report in Excel, creating a presentation in Powerpoint, or creating an image in Canva. Or building an app in Glide.

In any event, it’s a good discussion and I hope Glide’s upcoming releases will meet our needs and expectations. I have faith it will.


I also discovered Glide in late 2019 and immediately fell in love with the platform. I’ve used it regularly (almost daily) since that day. When Pages came out, I was initially hesitant as it was missing some key features and I didn’t understand its use unless it ended up acting like the desktop version of my App (I always thought Pages should open automatically when someone views an App full screen, though initially I don’t think this was Glide’s intention).

Fast forward to about 6-9 months ago… It started becoming apparent to me that Pages was going to keep improving as Glide’s focus and new features were focused on Pages (including some “invisible” back-end stuff like how their product actually works — new computational model). Since that time, I have not touched an App more than a handful of times to update existing projects.

In the last two weeks I’ve been working with a client who really wanted to use an App for their project, so I’ve been back in Apps and I’m helping them build it. I can’t tell you how disappointing it is to use Apps compared to Pages now. The lack of Containers (to group components and control visibility on a larger scale), the insanely terrible desktop experience if a user ever opens the project on a PC (which is almost always a possibility in the business world), and the flexibility that Pages provides with additional Action buttons that can be placed just about anywhere. Apps is a legacy product already and Pages has already surpassed it, in my opinion.

If you’ve only started using Pages and are only looking for things to complain about, you’ll never be satisfied. If you’re like me and stick to using Pages exclusively going forward (like I did 6-9 months ago), you’ll fall for it the same way you did with Apps back in 2019. While you’re in the midst of falling for it, Glide will continue to add new features… All while Apps remain static in terms of new features and components.

I encourage you to start thinking about Glide Apps (currently only known as Pages) versus Glide’s Legacy product (currently known as Apps). Start your new projects in Mobile mode if it makes you feel better and don’t think about what may be missing, but rather what’s new and how you can use those new features to build better projects.


Glide Apps seem to just use an emulator when in “desktop mode”, to make the app usable from desktops.

Is there a technical reason that Glide couldn’t just address desktop responsiveness there, instead of rebuilding the entire platform from scratch? Which wastes time, focus and resources.

Responsiveness is not a new concept. It’s just about “blocking” or grouping app sections so they shift on different screen sizes. Glide app components are already essentially built in blocks, so I’m not sure why they didn’t just address the desktop emulation. Instead of reinventing the wheel.

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Everything would be fine if my Apps looked the same in Pages “Mobile view” but it doesn’t. Many key features in Apps aren’t available in Pages, which I really wanted.

Maps don’t even work in Pages, which is frustrating.

The desktop view isn’t really a desktop view IMO. It ruins all of my apps, period.

You’d need more context into my 1,000+ app projects I’m deploying, which I need to look exactly the same in both “Pages” views (Mobile & Desktop)

I personally would want more control of how my desktop view looks from a design standpoint… BUT I made small progress last night and considering that I may be fine, for now… maybe lol


:+1: … hopefully some key features I loved in Apps will make it into Pages in the near future. You don’t have much context into my projects and I won’t discuss it here. Thanks for your feedback.


A recap of my favorite lines in this thread expressed in emojis.

:heart_hands: :muscle:

:100: :thinking:

:raised_hands: :metal:

:tada: :sweat_smile:


Since Glide makes my app the App of the Week… I will shut up… LOL :wink:



What a difference a compliment makes :wink:

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and I challenged myself to make a better version for Pages… :rofl: