Glide Pages Suck Compared to Apps IMO

  1. Make CSS like it is in Apps.
  2. Full width… no margins.
  3. Adjustable size for all components and fonts.
  4. Fixed components, that will stay in one X, Y position.
  5. Select elements in the editor, for easy finding.
  6. Improve speed (Pages are much slower than Apps)
  7. Display fetch JSON values (right now, it only shows in the editor… in real view, it will show only when I edit values… after refreshing… all data disappear)
  8. Add icons to buttons and other elements.
  9. scale elements according to a screen resolution.
  10. Add more columns to containers… minimum 8, so we can do custom calendars, Glide calendar sucks!
  11. Horizontal, scrolling list.

that’s all… and I will move to Pages, with all my projects and customers.