Hey All,
Went to contact support and found out that’s no longer an option for me, so hoping to find answers here. I have just spent the better part of a day reading countless posts on pricing updates, and am left with so many questions! I am on the paid “Basic User” yearly plan which is set to renew in August for $108.00. In the pricing FAQ I see “In the following months, we will be offering options to migrate to the new Team Plans. For now, you can keep your existing subscriptions. Stay tuned!” but in my dashboard I am being told that my app is no longer being supported? Questions:
- If I take no action am I going to be charged $108 in August for a plan that offers me no support and just hope that my app stays operational as it helplessly lingers inside My Apps?
- Last I was paying attention there was talk of giving special pricing consideration to existing users on the old plans. Is this still a thing? Jarring emails like the one I recently received bluntly stating “we are removing all grandfathering, boosts, & referral bonuses” make me fear that all love is lost around here
Posts like this make me think I should leave my app alone, since it does have a few grandfathered features that might stay or be yanked away depending on different decrees I read around here:
Posts like THIS are why I stuck around and poured blood sweat & tears for months into a community app that benefits hundreds but has no budget and generates zero profit:
And then contradictory posts like THIIIS are why I’m fearful my app will soon be gone forever:
Basically for three years now I’ve seen Glide’s messaging slowly morph from “don’t worry we’ll take care of you” to “we’ve moved on, pay us more or leave” and while I understand from reading tons of posts that a lot of this attitude comes from big businesses that were taking advantage of Glide, is this also the messaging for the individual passion project developers?
I initially naively thought my app would be a “set it and forget it” development, minus the occasional check in for implementing new cool features. But then the goal posts kept moving and I ended up working very hard just to keep my little app up and running, and at some point scraping together the funds for the Basic Plan. If I am forced into these new team rates it’s game-over for me. Collateral damage, big lessons learned. But if there’s special consideration when migrating individual developers with one app (who believed it when they were told their plans were safe forever) maybe there’s hope?
Sorry if my thoughts are all over the map here…basically, what do I do? (or, not do?)