Glide Apps - Edit screen

Am I doing something wrong?

I have returned to and am editing an App that I haven’t worked on in awhile. A new thing being added to the App is to allow event managers to edit their own events. I have set a detail tab to allow edits when the Event Manager’s email on the Event table is the signed in user.

It is allowing me to open the edit form screen, but as I make changes, the DONE option never activates. I can’t close and save my changes. Only the CANCEL option stays active and closes the screen without saving.

What on earth could I be doing wrong?


Are any of your components set as Required and left empty?

I checked that…but now that you said it, I have to check again!!! Like when you’re driving down the road and someone in the car asks, “Did we turn off the oven?”

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You win @Jeff_Hager !



Hehe, I’ve stopped in the middle of the road and turned around more than once.