Glide API HTTP Request Column's and Table's name should use eventually "renamed" name instead of "original" name

When you have to do an HTTP request for accessing Glide Tables from an external endpoint you HAVE TO USE the “original” name value for Tables and columns even if you have renamed it
What i mean is that if you copy a Sheet named “Orders” in Google Sheet you get a name like “Copy of Orders”
If you rename the sheet, like “OrdersHistory” after some times and try to use GLIDE API for made an HTTP request you have to use the “old” name because the “renamed” name is not recognised.
And this is true for column’s name also.
Infact if you use “Surname” for a column and after a while you change it to “LastName” you have to use the old name.
For example a payload will be similar to
–data-raw ‘{
“appID”: “32423647343264236”,
“mutations”: [
“kind”: “add-row-to-table”,
“tableName”: “Copy of orders”,
“columnValues”: {
“Surname”: “Delfo”
but it should be
–data-raw ‘{
“appID”: “32423647343264236”,
“mutations”: [
“kind”: “add-row-to-table”,
“tableName”: “OrdersHistory”,
“columnValues”: {
“LastName”: “Delfo”

This is awkward (and also not-professional) if you have to give the specification to a 3rd part developer that must interact with your glide’s tables.
Thanks for your time