Glide-Airtable Integration Stopped Working (Tables Not Syncing)

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  • Our Glide apps with Airtable databases worked perfectly fine for years but recently the Airtable integration stopped working.
  • The POST API request (when I submit a form on Glide) works well (records get created on Airtable instantly)
  • But there’s something seriously wrong with Airtable database syncing. The lists of Airtable records (tables) do not update on the Glide “Data” and do not appear on the “Layout”
  • I went through all troubleshooting steps (refreshing, re-authenticating, deleteing & then re-authenticating Airtable connection)—nothing helps

How to replicate

  • Connect AIrtable base to your Glide app and see if new Airtable records properly sync and appear on Glide’s “Data” tables

Concerning regarding Glide’s behavior
I received a response from Glide customer support stating that: “We have been experiencing ongoing issues with Airtable integration since last year and have received multiple reports about syncing problems. As a result, we decided to overhaul our syncing behavior to provide a more robust and faster syncing experience. This is a significant update, but unfortunately, I cannot provide a specific timeline for when this will be implemented.

So Glide team knows that the integration doesn’t work… BUT doesn’t have any ETA for a fix ++ still promotes Airtable integration on their marketing and help pages +++ doesn’t bother to message the customers who have apps built with Airtables as the database.

Please update your communication or establish a clear ETA for when this will be fixed. This is very misleading and unethical.

I understand that things may break. I understand that sometimes it’s difficult to prioritise particular features due to backlog… but at least you should own this and transparently communicate with your customers.

Same for me, a year of building gone up in flames.

Got told this today after a week of back and forth. All I am asking for is for it to work the way it has for the last year.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ve reviewed your support issue, but after careful consideration, we’ve decided it’s not feasible to allocate engineering resources to address this on our original data synchronization system.

We recognize the current limitations and are actively working on a major overhaul to improve things. In the meantime, if Airtable or Excel doesn’t meet your needs, we recommend trying Glide Tables, Big Tables, or SQL.

We appreciate your continued support as we work on these improvements.

@sgambo , I finally managed to resolve it when Glide customer rep suggested to sign out of Airtable & Glide and only then try to delete and re-authorise the connection again. Then it finally worked.

So I think it’s not that the Airtable integration doesn’t work anymore and need to be fixed (first CS reply was a bit confusing) but more about some specific issue which should be resolved with the right troubleshooting.

Find below the response that helped me:

For troubleshooting purposes, could you please log out from both Glide and Airtable, then log back in and try re-authenticating again?

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When you delete and re-authorise the connection, do you have to connect all the tables again? Thank you.

@ThinhDinh @sgambo , no, you just need to connect your Airtable account and select the base (then all tables are added from that base automatically).

here’s a detailed support article - follow the section “Delete and re-authenticate the Airtable integration”, just add an additional step before that (log out from your Airtable & Glide accounts).

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Thanks a lot!

The problem that I have with reauthenticated Airtable is that when I do it automatically reimports all tables that I had to delete in order to stay within the 25k record limit. It doesn’t just refresh the existing connection, it essentially recreates the connection from scratch.


I’ve been facing the same issue since last week. I tried all the steps above, including logging out and logging back in, and just to be safe, I also used a different browser altogether and changed my wifi to a more stable connection. I even logged out and back in both before deleting the Airtable integration and after deleting it. I also deleted the Airtable integration from Airtable’s integration panel itself, to make sure there aren’t multiple Glide integrations.

None of those helped. If this isn’t resolved, then not only have months of money and hard-work gone down the drain, but I am at an absolute loss on how to create the backend tools I was working on for my company.

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